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Telehealth vs. Telemedicine: Understanding the difference
February 24, 2021 at 11:00 PM
Understanding the differencies in regards to telehealth vs. telemedcine are crucial to understanding how much you can benefit from these services.

With technological advancements, virtually every industry is evolving, including the medical sector. This means unprecedented convenience on both the provider and patient end. But, still, these practices are in their nascent stages and are unfamiliar to many people. So, if you’re confused about telehealth vs. telemedicine, we’re here to clear things up.

And, at MyTeleBenefits, we’re so much more than just a telehealth provider for both pets and people. We offer around-the-clock availability and are the premier option for those who want to avoid in-person contact or don’t have easy accessibility to medical professionals. Particularly for non-emergency scenarios, consider us your mental insurance. We offer expert advice, but more importantly, we provide peace of mind.

So let’s get into the distinctions between the two.

Telehealth vs. Telemedicine

While telehealth and telemedicine services may be new, it’s important to know a few things. Firstly, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) fully supports the expanded use of this kind of treatment delivery. When conducted appropriately to the standards of healthcare, it’s regarded as an efficient way of improving health. In fact, it’s increasingly becoming a vital and prominent part of American healthcare infrastructure. And, when used right, it can be a truly revolutionary way to deliver treatment.


When considering telehealth vs. telemedicine, it’s important to understand that telehealth refers broadly to electronic and telecommunications technologies and services used to provide care and services remotely. It’s different from telemedicine in that it refers to a broader scope of health care services from a distance.

Telehealth is a far-reaching umbrella that can include provider training, administrative meetings, continuing medical education, and more. Simply put: it’s not just clinical services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it includes “surveillance, health promotion, and public health functions.”

Essentially, it’s a subset of e-health, which is basically the delivery of health information and health systems management through the internet and telecommunications.


Telemedicine refers specifically to distance clinical services. It’s a subset of telehealth that refers to the supply of health care services and education over a distance using telecommunications technology. It requires electronic communication tools and software to provide services to patients without the need of an in-person visit.

Most commonly it’s used for follow-up visits, management of chronic conditions, medication management, specialist consultations, and other clinical services that can be provided remotely using secure video and audio connections.

“Telematics” and more

You’ll likely encounter another term that’s often used by the WHO: telematics. Basically, this is the conflation of telehealth and telemedicine. This composite term refers to any health-related activities carried out over a distance by means of information technologies.

What’s important to understand is that all telemedicine is telehealth, but not all telehealth is telemedicine. And, while telehealth and telemedicine are a great convenience and can provide you with peace of mind, they’re not a replacement for emergency services. And, more importantly, they’re most effective when used in conjunction with a doctor’s diagnosis.

Just keep in mind that while this sector of healthcare is developing, there are still limitations to consider that could have severe consequences on your health if ignored.

Contact us now to start receiving telehealth services!

If you have a hectic schedule or simply live in a place where health care isn’t easily accessible, telehealth services are a great asset to your health. And, now that you understand the differences regarding telehealth vs. telemedicine, it’s not hard to fathom how much of a convenience these services are, whether they’re for you or your pets.

At MyTeleBenefits, we traffic in both expert medical advice and peace of mind, and we’re available any time of any day. Contact us now to start receiving telehealth services!